Monday, April 5, 2010

Species List Currimundi Reef - 27/03/10

A bit late getting these up. It was great to have a dive after such a long break and we were surprised by the relatively few species seen and the limited number of each species. The surprise was the number of Ceratosoma tenue. These are usually a relatively rare sighting for us but we came across 4-5 in the one dive.

C-Spot (10 species)

Ceratosoma tenue
Chromodoris collingwoodi
Dermatobranchus ornatus
Flabellina exoptata
Glossodoris atromarginata
Hypselodoris jacksoni
Hypselodoris kanga (see above)
Hypselodoris obscura
Phyllidiella pustulosa
Pteraeolidia ianthina

Forskalii Park (5 species)

Chromodoris splendida
Glossodoris atromarginata
Phyllidiella lizae
Phyllidiella pustulosa
Sagaminopteron ornatum