Sunday, February 14, 2016

Species List: Kings Beach intertidal, Caloundra, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, 10-02-2016

10 species sighted at Kings Beach, Caloundra, Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Gary and Terry on this low tide shore excursion.

It was nice to find a variety of species on this trip lasting around 90 minutes.  Having Gary back on board helped a lot - he has a knack for turning over the right rock!

Number of species sighted
* Species with highest specimen count

Chelidonura fulvipunctata1   
Elysia coodgeensis 5
Flabellina rubrolineata 1   
Gymnodoris sp. 9 1  
Haminoea sp. 2 4  
Hypselodoris maritima 1  
Sebadoris fragilis 1  
Spurilla braziliana 1   
Tayuva lilacina 1
*Vayssierea caledonica 7

 Vayssierea caledonica

 Haminoea sp. 2

Chelidonura fulvipunctata

 Tayuva lilacina

 Hypselodoris maritima

 Sebadoris fragilis

Gymnodoris sp. 9